"There are four lights," the Citizen said to Krishna, causing a momentary distortion on the calm blue face. The phrase had meant nothing to the Citizen until the day he had seen it tattooed on the old man's arm. He had explained that it was an old Drohi slogan -- something they had borrowed from a story the Sangh no longer wanted told. He had said that back in the 20's, when he was a student and the revolution still raged, one could find it spray-painted on public property and force-pasted on government websites. It was shouted at Dharma Sainiks when they came to peaceful protests with guns and cannons. It was one of the first things to be put on the B-List after it came into being in 31. In the years before that however, its use had caused no fewer than six deaths, the Citizen's mother being the last of them.
"User zero - verified," Krishna said, his expression blank, his eyes staring into emptiness. "State interest, please."

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